Antalya Blue Modern Distressed Rug by Fab Rugs

Antalya Blue Modern Distressed Rug by Fab Rugs

Chernyy Area Rug by Fab Rugs

Chernyy Area Rug by Fab Rugs

Ankara Multicolour Distressed Traditional Turkish Rug by Fab Rugs

Regular Price $59.95 Special Price $49.95

The artist has been able to create a beautiful rug with multiple colours. Colourful , sharp traditional pattern rug yet subtle enough to merge with any decor. Luxuriously soft rug under the feet.

Availability: In stock

Fab Habitat's Nirvana collection of rugs will add style and elegance to your space. Striking colours and patterns will make an aesthetic statement in your interiors. Best in the market.
The rug is made from 100% polyester for softness and strength that lasts. Polyester adds shiny lustrousness to the rug.
The rug is machine made to ensure precision in every piece.
The pile height of the rug is 10mm.
Care instructions - For routine cleaning, sweeping your rug with a broom or carpet sweeper on a weekly basis is highly recommended and is the least damaging way to clean your rug. Regular light vacuuming is recommended and avoid powerful bagless vacuums. Clean spills immediately by blotting with mild soap and water. Professional cleaning is recommended if spills cannot be cleaned with household products.
Rug pads are highly recommended to extend life of the rug
Actual colours may vary due to screen or monitor settings
Size may vary due to manufacturing limitations