Fab Rug Athens Indoor/Outdoor Blue Rug

Fab Rug Athens Indoor/Outdoor Blue Rug

Fab Rug Marina Indoor/Outdoor Rug

Fab Rug Marina Indoor/Outdoor Rug

Fab Rug Welcome Coir Door Mat

Create a warm and homely feel at your house front with the traditional style of the resilient Welcome Coir Door Mat from FAB Rugs. Coir, a dried fibre taken from coconut husks, is a hard-wearing material that's ideal as a doormat Natural coir is a fairly water resistant fibre so it's suitable for outdoor use on your front step Patterned with classic 'welcome' typography for an eye-catching feature to grace your house front, giving a lovely first impression Combines practicality with style — wipe your shoes, while remaining stylish
Availability: Out of stock